Father’s Day Gifs
Role: Art Director | Social engagement campaign |Concept and develop | Video | Digital
No-fuss Father’s Day GIFs.
Nobody makes a fuss over Father’s Day. Which is exactly the way dads like it. So with that in mind, we created a registry of “no-fuss” Father’s Day GIFs that only a dad could truly appreciate. Why so laid back? It might have been because advertisers typically spend far less on Father’s Day than say… Mother’s Day, or Easter, or even Valentine’s Day. Or maybe because the client really only asked us to make them a few simple display banners. Or because dads are simple creatures that aren’t that into the whole “commercial holiday” thing… Whatever. I don’t know. Go ask your mother.
OK, fine. Just don’t make a big production out of it.
We didn’t. First we grabbed a few fatherly looking colleagues from around the agency and made shareable animated GIF “vouchers” that gave dads permission to indulge in the simple pleasures of being dad. Then we built a home for them on fruit.com and added seamless integration with their e-commerce site to drive sales of another easy gift that only a father could love; a Fruit of the Loom Classic Tee. This was all done in-house on a limited budget – so no big productions and not a lot of fuss. You’re welcome dad.